
4 Simple Ways To Improve Custom Envelopes

Have you been printing custom envelopes for a long time? Whether you are in a public relations campaign, or maybe you have started a direct mail marketing program for your products, envelope printing is a small but crucial part in presenting your message. That is why it is important to improve your envelope printing designs periodically to make that presentation look new and fresh. In this article we will show you four simple ways to do this to your custom envelopes.Use high quality envelopes: Direct mail marketers usually use cheap envelope materials in their prints. This saves them money since most of the resources in marketing go to the letter design Sports Watches and of course to the postal service. Now imagine defying this trend and using high quality envelopes instead. Maybe you can use certain textured envelopes, or you can also try using nice colored envelopes as well. This makes the mail particularly impressive and no one will really mistake it for junk mail. So by simply upgrading your envelope materials to more high quality ones, you get an immediate upgrade on its impact as well.Just use one image or logo: Another good way to improve your custom envelopes is to manage the design. For example, these days most mail marketers and other firms put in too many details and pictures in their custom envelopes. It almost defines marketing mail really that you can easily identify which ones are really just junk mail. If you manage your design right, you can avoid this from happening to your own envelope. Try using only one image or logo in your custom envelope. Make it beautiful, enticing and even mysterious. Just one great image is enough to make people wonder what is inside. This technique should fare much better than the cluttered marketing designs of other custom envelopes.Try elegant or unique fonts: Besides the image though, you can also change the envelope font to something more elegant and unique. You may not know this, but the scripting of the address and names of the sender and receiver in an envelope can also impress people. Imagine your name printed in an ornate and elegant gold lettering on an envelope? Wouldn't you open it? So you can try this as well in your own custom envelopes. By trying out unique fonts, you can actually assure yourself that people will actually read your mails whether they are for marketing or not.Do not use white: As a final tip, never use white envelopes again. White envelopes are what most people use so it becomes quite common and boring after a while. From now on try to use color in your custom envelopes so that people take notice of them. For example, try to imagine receiving a letter in a deep red envelope. Wouldn't that be interesting and mysterious? You will definitely want to see what the letter is about with that color. So try out different colors and see what works for you.So those are just four of the myriad of other techniques that you can use to air swimmers improve your custom envelopes. The real philosophy behind improving your envelopes is to just look different and unique. Try to use the ideas above and improve upon them in your future custom envelope printing investments. I have no doubt you can produce nice and original designs that can make your direct mailing or public relations campaigns a success.

