
Are You Using Mike Dillards Stuff Learn The One Critical Concept You Must Grasp! Watches

Do you offer your MLM opportunity or Something else?That's the 54 million dollar question!You can't argue with results. The million dollar leaders are NOT putting their primary MLM Company up front.This is the bottom line!People are looking on line for marketing strategies not MLM opportunities.Sorry folks, but the majority of people are Rolex not looking to join an opportunity.At the beginning your core objective is creating a large ROLODEX of prospects.You've heard it before, give Patek Philippe Watches people what they want first and build a relationship. They know what to market - they want to know how.Don't fall into the trap thinking that because you have an opportunity it is exactly what people are looking for to make money.So if you do not lead with your opportunity how to you sign up team members?During my Thursday evening Meetup the number one question of the night was, "Why am I selling Mike Dillard's stuff and not my MLM opportunity?"I had sympathy for where Ann was coming from. As a lawyer she examines everything. Her talent is looking at the fine points. She must understand every angle of her case.I could totally relate to her confusion, as an educator I too often over think things.You look at the big picture in marketing and sales not the detail.It's simple folks, really.You know this one, but here it is: ASK!Now, that's an easy solution.Here is what we know.Taking the advise of you MLM company, blasting your opportunity to the world over gets you a 99% failure rate. That's right 99 out of 100 say NO! Some say ----- bleep Raymond Weil Watches ---- no!Don't misread, you still have 90 to 95 percent of your prospects say no when you target your audience to business builders. In spite of this, they are far more polite and what's more important, you improve your odds and this is a numbers game. As a matter of fact, they will often thank you for thinking they were qualified for your team, when done right.So what's the big deal, why learn to market?Simple, when you lead with information and education you have something to give the 90 to 95 percent who turn you down because they already have a business. Additionally, creating relationships with people in the business who trust you is an asset.P. S. I almost forgot this one... You get lots more traffic. More traffic, more leads!This is a win-win all the way around. You earn money from more than one income stream. You also develop close ties with leaders who respect you. People who know you, like you and trust YOU!This is how you become the hunted instead of the hunter.We will show you spot on what to do to offer your MLM opportunity. It fits into the master plan. It too is a win-win for everyone based on mutual respect.Check out our next Bulgari Watches lesson on conversion strategies. Sign up for my RSS feed. Join the pros today to create massive traffic for you MLM.

